
Friday, August 14, 2015

Dog Days of Summer

August is upon us! As the school year is quickly approaching and the stores are filling with an abundance of school supplies, take a moment to take a breath and remember that there is still plenty of time left to enjoy these last few weeks of summer!

Below are some activities to complete with your Preschooler to celebrate these Dog Days...Enjoy!

~Make Homemade Bubbles
    Colorful Bubbles Recipe
     1/3 cup dishwashing liquid
     1 1/4 cups water
     2 teaspoons sugar
     1 drop food coloring
*Combine all ingredients into a re-sealable container or jar, head outside (I recommend using these outside to avoid staining from the food coloring) and give them a try!

~Make a Summer Scrapbook
Use a spiral journal to put together a collection of photos and drawings of your
child's favorite summer memories! Feel free to get creative and use printed photos,
crayons, postcards and stickers to create a book of your favorite moments from summer 2015!

~Have an outdoor Puppet Show
Hang a white sheet outdoors at night just after dark and using a flashlight, invite your child to use puppets, stuffed animals, hand motions and their creativity to create a puppet show! Gather the family and neighbors around to create a fun,         outdoor activity that is perfect for a summer night!

Visit the library and checkout a fun book to get you ready for back to school! The following book is one of my personal favorites :)
 This is my sweet girly enjoying her "Dog Days of Summer!"


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