
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Hand for Our Vets!

Today our class was thankful to pause and thank all of those special men, women and their families who have made so many sacrifices to protect our country. 

As a teacher, I have been on the hunt for ways to help my littles learn about Veteran's Day and what this holiday is all about. I found SO MANY awesome ideas on Pinterest, but really had to strive to make the content developmentally appropriate for my young students who range from 3-5 years. 
With a little modification, we were able to learn about this special day and celebrate!

Our class read a story called Today Is Veterans Day. We brainstormed ways that soldiers and veterans have worked to keep us safe. I sent home a Flipbook  (its free and downloadable!) that highlights the ways we are free to everyday things like go to school and play with our friends. We also worked together to write letters and color pictures that we will be mailing to soldiers.  Our class also made a Handprint Flag that we have displayed in our room.  

We had a great time learning new things and celebrating our Freedom. 
Happy Veteran's Day 
& thank you to all who have 
served our country 
and continue to do so!