
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Resources for Students with Autism

Autism Speaks describes ASD as a disorder that affects brain development, with marked 
difficulties surrounding social interactions, communicative abilities, and observable repetitive behaviors. It can also encompass difficulty with sleep habits and other physical health ailments. Some individuals diagnosed with ASD appear to have highly progressed math skills.  
It has been found that Autistic behaviors can be identified in young children during the early childhood years. Many characteristics can be noted around the age of 2-3. 

Whether working with children with Autism in the home or school setting, we are always on the hunt for ways to increase skills such as regulating emotions, communicating needs and ideas, easing transitions and interacting with others.

Listed below are some apps that are helpful when working with students with Autism. Hope that you find these useful! 

Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings: This app is best for students grades Pre-K through Kindergarten. Highlights include identifying and communicating feelings.

Settle Your Glitter: Intended for students in grades K-8, this app is helpful with addressing the intensity and control of extreme emotions. 

Tap To Talk: This app was created for use with students in grades K-12. It provides a verbal expression for non-verbal students with the use of tapping pictures to increase communication abilities. 

Choiceworks: This is an app I have blogged about before, but I couldn't bear to leave it out here! This app allows users to create visual schedules and promotes the ability to wait and express needs and feelings. 


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